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7 Ways to Make Your Story Enthralling to Potential Employers

1. It has to be true: It’s too easy to verify facts these days through the Internet or social networking sites, so don’t fib to a boss or potential employer.

2. Don’t be long-winded: Great stories are those that can retold to others. If it’s too lengthy, others will have trouble remembering key points.

3. Determine a message: Try to talk about skills that will appeal to a particular company or contact.

4. Align your values: People are most drawn to those like them so thread your story around the their interest not your's !

5. Flesh out your resume: It can be hard to convey your personality in a piece of paper, so use stories to add punch the important skills

6. Practice: Do't imitate; Refresh your memory and get the right one that is more appealing

7. Look in the mirror: Dump the trite phrases and instead offer a deeper connection through the stories you share and you’ll develop the kind of connections that will lead to happily ever after in your career.