Real procrastinators tell themselves five lies
• They overestimate the time they have left to perform tasks.
• They underestimate the time it takes to complete tasks.
• They overestimate how motivated they will feel the next day, the next week, the next month -- whenever they are putting things off to.
• They mistakenly think that succeeding at a task requires that they feel like doing it.
• They mistakenly believe that working when not in the mood is suboptimal.
Dr. Ferrari recommends these strategies for reducing procrastination
1. Make a list of everything you have to do.
2. Write a statement of intention.
3. Set realistic goals.
4. Break it down into specific tasks.
5. Make your task meaningful.
6. Promise yourself a reward.
7. Eliminate tasks you never plan to do. Be honest!
8. Estimate the amount of time you think it will take you to complete a task. Then increase the amount by 100%.
Do it Now Tips
Energize your priority efforts by addressing the most important first.
Move yourself toward achieving productive outcomes.
Operate by keeping your focus on long-term advantages.
Tolerate-but don't give in to-emotional signals for needless delays.
Integrate realistic thinking with self-regulated actions to achieve stated objectives.
Overcome diversionary unstated agenda urges by "do it now" actions.
Nudge yourself in the direction of Y decisions that lead to productive results.