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Success mantra = Learn, Unlearn and Relearn


Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it

Success breeds success across all walks of life & the main ingredient of success is having success. Critical element of success is self-confidence; you don't need other people's approval. Success can make you smarter, and more able to think of new ideas. Anyone can experience success; It's all in the mind !

Failures are a part of life. They are an essential element to moving forward, and going after what you want. If you’re not failing, it means you’re not in action or being bold enough! So, expect failures. Welcome them in. It means you’re growing, stretching and trying new things. In order to create room for the things we want in life, we must be willing to release what hasn’t been working (ie. failures) so we have room to invite things that will work. If there’s no room for all that, it will always be waiting for you, off in the distance, until your past failures are released. You can't fly if your wings are holding the baggage of yesterday. Let go and Fly !

Have someone on your side that you can count on for honest feedback.  Find out what you could’ve done better, what needs a little sharpening, and what areas you may have missed.  We all have blind spots, and we need someone else to shine a light on them.  Once you know what to focus on, apply apply apply !

Never get too comfortable in your last success…that is the biggest failure. Always push for a new benchmark and a new “top.”  Pushing your comfort zone, stretching and challenging yourself is the key. 

I failed, and I'm still alive. What worse could happen? Let's take another risk and see ...

Leadership lessons ...


If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. Leadership is all about doing the right things.

1. Be a great communicator- someone who's both an inquisitive conversationalist and an engaged, active listener.  Everyone wants to be heard. connect to people by asking more open-ended questions, such as "Tell me, what did you enjoy the most in today's Tech-Talk?"

2. Trust people - Trust is everything. Delegate responsibility, trust people and make them accountable .. Miracles happen .. At the end of the day, it's all about people !

3. Continuous learning - Leaders who are continuously learning are challenging their own assumptions and bringing more knowledge to the table each time they converse. Self-learning is the key. The day you stop learning is the day you stop living.

4. Stay positive - High-performing leaders understand that staying positive not holding grudges, dwelling on problems, or spending time focusing on negative influences  is an integral part setting and accomplishing their goals.

5. Meticulous Time management - As a leader, you may be frequently interrupted or pulled in different directions. While you cannot eliminate interruptions, you do get a say on how much time you will spend on them and how much time you will spend on the thoughts, conversations and actions that will lead you to success. 

6. Build momentum incrementally - Don’t be intimidated by the scope of your idea; create smaller checkpoints that build up to your bigger achievement. Resilient leaders push themselves to accomplish their goals, but allow some room to change or improvise as they go.  
7. Constructive failure handling - We have all experienced failure, but there are ways you can learn from these obstacles and channel them into something even more fulfilling. Disciplined leaders who aren’t afraid to fail, and who take time to recharge and help others are well on their way to long-term success.

8. Be a Entrepreneur - Hardworking, driven, competitive, collaborative, imaginative, a people person or a problem-solver .. An innovative leader is always on the lookout for new opportunities and prospects and points of view, wherever they go. A successful entrepreneur knows they can't go it alone and that there is always something new to learn

9. Consistent good habits - exercise, eat healthy, read voraciously and network, network, network ...

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.

Success Quotes ...


"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success." - Swami Vivekananda

"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." - Winston Churchill

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it." - Maya Angelou

"Opportunities don't happen, you create them." - Chris Grosser

"If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents start charging for it." - Kim Garst

"Happiness is a butterfly, which when pursued, is always beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you." - Nathaniel Hawthorne

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.

Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly.

Building strong teams ...


A strong team is never satisfied. They know they can do it better than they did it yesterday, and they are excited to come to work every day saying, How do I do it better?

Company Work Culture:

Peter Drucker quote - “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. It's really the people that make any company the kind of company it is. It's the shared values and practices of the company's employees. It's all about laying the groundwork for a strong, unified, communication-driven, supportive and fun culture. Culture actually drives the value of the business

Know the team:
Know your team personally and professionally. Spending more time with people and socializing with them, you will learn more about your team. More you engage with them personally, they become engaged professionally. Facilitate to Identify the strengths and weaknesses of the team, then fill in the gaps.

Engage the team:
People are engaged with leaders who share, communicate and hold themselves accountable when they did not make the right decision. Set short term goals that employees can hit quickly and accomplish the joy of being successful. People who succeed have momentum; the more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed; Fail fast, learn fast and innovate.

Trust and Accountability:
The secrets to successful teamwork: Trust and accountability. Trust and respect are two essential elements for building relationships in the workplace and beyond. It’s all about the relationships you have with people which does not necessarily mean friendships. Relationships are built over time, when one person has respect for another. Gradually, trust begins to build, too. You don’t have to be a close personal friend with everyone at work, but you do always need to show each person respect and professionalism.

Best Indian Financial Blogs ...

  1. Subramoney(P V Subramanyam) -
  2. SafalNiveshak(Vishal Khandelwal) -
  3. Financial Literates(hemant Beniwal) -
  4. Capital Mind(Deepak Shenoy) -
  5. Jagoinvestor(Manish Chauhan) -
  6. Financial Planning Demystified -
  7. One Mint -
  8. Basu Nivesh Personal Finance blog -
  9. Be Money Aware blog -
  10. Get Money Rich -
  11. Investment ideas -
  12. Ajay Shah's economic matters -
  13. Graham & Doddsville (Value investing) Best Financial Blogs -

Equity Portfolio Construction .. Checklist


Good equity investment should leave you with a lot of free time, which you can spend the way you like, instead of worrying about where the business is headed. Questions to ask every time you look at a business that can potentially become a part of your equity portfolio:
  1. Is this business inside my circle of competence?
  2. Is the business simple to understand and run? Complex businesses often face complexities difficult for its managers to get over.
  3. Has the company grown its sales and EPS consistently over the past 8-10 years? Consistency is more important than speed of growth.
  4. Will the company be around and profitably better in 10years? This suggests continuity in demand for the company’s products/services.
  5. How well has the company done in retaining its earnings?
  6. Does the company have a sustainable competitive moat? Pricing power, gross margins, lead over competitors, entry barriers for new players.
  7. How good is the management given the hand it has been dealt? Capital allocation, return on equity, corporate governance, performance against competition.
  8. Does the company require consistent capex and working capital expenditure to grow its business? Companies that have to spend continuously on such areas are like running on treadmills, which is not a good situation to have.
  9. Does the company generate more cash than it consumes? Cash generators have a higher probability of surviving and prospering during bad economic situations.

DuPont Model's three key factors that determine the quality of a business - 
  1. Generating profits (net profit margin)
  2. Managing assets (asset turnover)
  3. Finding an optimal amount of leverage (financial leverage).
ROE(Return on Equity) = (Profit margin)*(Asset turnover)*(Equity multiplier) = (Net profit/Sales)*(Sales/Assets)*(Assets/Equity)= (Net Profit/Equity)

Profitability is measured by profit margin
Operating efficiency is measured by asset turnover
Financial leverage is measured by equity multiplier

Killer lessons from World-Class Entrepreneurs


1. Success comes from handling difficult situations well 
- All you have to do is ask for new challenges. Do one thing betterPick one thing you're already better at than most people. Just. One. Thing. Become maniacally focused at doing that one thing. Work. Train. Learn. Practice. Evaluate. Refine. Be ruthlessly self-critical, not in a masochistic way but to ensure you continue to work to improve every aspect of that one thing. Financially successful people do at least one thing better than just about everyone around them.

2. Absolute clarity and an eye for unexpected opportunities Take responsibility of your life. Don't blame the economy, your company, location and lack of resources. You should realize that it's you and your jaded focus that has to change for good. The moment you get clear on that, your life will shift from complexity to simplicity.

3. Shifting your circle of influence - There comes a point in your life when you realize who really matters, who never did and who always will. Once you get clear on who you are and what you want, you must re-evaluate your "Circle of Influence". Who you associate with is who you become. The term "role model'' is not used enough in our society. It’s extremely important to have role models. A role model will raise your standards. A role model will not let you get complacent. Finding a role model or mentor will spark your mind because they are playing the game at a higher level than you are. If you hang around five confident people, you will be the sixth.

Keep Startup Alive <=> Keep Creating Value

value proposition = creating enough incentive for someone to take action

A business valuation is a set of processes and procedures used to determine the economic value of an entity or set of assets. You must have strong value for your customers or, well, you won’t have any. But beyond that, you must provide substantial value to multiple other parties involved in the life cycle of your business in order to attract and retain employees, partners and capital.

1. Create value

The first stage in the value cycle is to design and market a product that consumers are eager to use because it meets their most important NEED better than competing products.

2. Capture value

The second stage of the value cycle is choosing business activities so that customers are willing to pay for a product at a price high enough above the company's costs to generate sufficient PROFIT and create a return for shareholders after compensating employees and suppliers.

3. Renew value
The final stage in the value cycle is filtering out the noise from the market signals (from changing customer needs, upstart competitors and changing technology) to identify how a company must ADAPT to stay ahead of competitors.This value renewal is the most difficult part of the value cycle for startups trying to survive over the long term.

The SUCCESS 25's Legends in Personal Development

  1. Maya Angelou (1928–2014)
  2. Dale Carnegie (1888–1955)
  3. George S. Clason (1874–1957)
  4. Stephen Covey (1932–2012)
  5. Viktor Frankl (1905–1997)
  6. Paul Harvey (1918–2009)
  7. Napoleon Hill (1883–1970)
  8. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones (1927–2008)
  9. Og Mandino (1923–1996)
  10. Orison Swett Marden (1850–1924)

The 3 Things You need to land Venture Capital


The first thing is to know WHO IS YOUR CUSTOMER
  • What compels customers to buy this product or service?
  • What problems does this product or service solve? Why is it better than the alternatives?
  • Why is it worth the price?
  • Does it compel you to tell others about your experience?
  • Are your customers asking if they can invest in your company?

The second thing is to know about YOUR TEAM
  • Passion The entrepreneur must demonstrate a contagious excitement about their vision for the company.
  • Tenacity The entrepreneur must prove they have the stamina and willpower to stay with their vision through thick and thin.
  • Flexibility - The entrepreneur must be willing to reevaluate and refocus their plans when things don’t work out as anticipated.
  • Commitment The entrepreneur must be willing to invest enough of their own money into this project to convince investors they are serious.

The third thing is to know about existing OPPORTUNITY

The Best Advice successful Entrepreneurs ever got ..


1. There are no shortcuts to success

2. If you're not being told 'no' constantly, you're not pushing hard enough

3. Get into only that business where you can make a difference. Competitive advantage is everything and focus on your core-competency

4. Being comfortable is the enemy. Staying hungry forces you to push yourself to continue to survive, grow, and evolve

5. Learn to say 'no' and focus on what you do best

6. You are who you associate with

7. Don't chase the money, Money is always a by-product not the primary goal

8. We always trade against our time and Time is a precious commodity

9. Don't ever ever give up. Understand every detail of your business not just the big-picture

10. It's OK to ask for help

11. Simplicity is everything

12. Business should be a win-win for everyone

5 Thoughts that Crush Success ..

1. "I'm not an expert." 
No one starts off doing anything as an expert. Expertise is built up over time. You have to make yourself an expert. When considering a project or business, don’t ask if you’re an expert. Rather, ask if you love the subject matter. If you're passionate about the subject, you’ll do everything you can to soak in as much information as possible.
2. "It's already been done." 
You may see your ideas unfold elsewhere in the marketplace and be developed by other people. But that doesn’t matter one bit. If you know that a lot of people need your product or service, the fact that competitors exist validates your plans. Bringing an idea to life and then executing your plan better than others matters a whole lot more than the uniqueness of your concept. Challenge this thinking by asking, "How can I do this better?" 
3. "I don’t know the right people."
Tap the contacts you have. But if you don’t know the right people, make it a point to get to the right people. Contrary to what you may have heard, reaching out to the right people can work if you try hard, even if you don’t have a special connection. Turn this thought into “Whom do I have to get to know -- and how?”
4. "You need money to make money."
You don’t need money to make money. Lack of resources might prompt you to keep your operations lean and mind fresh and sharpen your focus. You can be extremely successful by being smart about expenses and business planning.Think instead, "How can I do things better because my operation is small?"
5. "I always …"
When you run your own business, the lines between your personal and professional life blur. Your personal attributes often dictate the success of your business. When you think about yourself, you often think of what you are now. But when you think of your business, think of what it could be. Mastering the way you think is the first step toward success in any business. 

5 Essential Reads for Startup Entrepreneurs


1. The Advantage: Why Organizational Health Trumps Everything Else In Business by Patrick Lencioni

2. Principles by Ray Dalio

3. In The Plex: How Google Thinks, Works, and Shapes Our Lives by Steven Levy

4. The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers by Ben Horowitz

5. The Four-Hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss

3 decisions that may change your life ..

ref: (article by Tony Robbins)

Any permanent positive change is not going to be easy but it's going to be worth it !

Decision 1: Carefully choose what to focus on !

Where focus goes, energy flows. Do you tend to focus more on what you can control or what you can’t? If you focus on what you can’t control, you’ll have more stress in life. You can influence many aspects of your life but you usually can’t control them.

Decision 2: Figure out, What does this all mean ?

Ultimately, how you feel about your life has nothing to do with the events in it or with your financial condition or what has (or hasn't) happened to you. The quality of your life is controlled by the meaning you give to these events happening around you. Your life takes on whatever meaning you give it. 

Decision 3: What will you do ?

The actions you take are powerfully shaped by the emotional state you're in. If you're angry, you're going to behave quite differently than if you're feeling playful or outrageous. If you want to shape your actions, the fastest way is to change what you focus on and shift the meaning to be something more empowering. You can’t change your patterns if you’re not aware of them.

Any permanent positive change is not going to be easy but it's going to be worth it !

Vishal Khandelwal( interviews with equity experts ..

Interview with P V Subramanyam(

Simple Ideas on Wealth Creation, the Subramoney Way -

  5. Interview(as PDF)
        Subra's books to read recommendation:
    •  Burton Malkiel’s A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing
    •  Peter Lynch's One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market
    •  Nassim Taleb’s Fooled by Randomness: The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets
    •  Peter Bernstein’s Capital Ideas: The Improbable Origins of Modern Wall Street
    •  Parag Parikh’s Value Investing and Behavioral Finance: Insights into Indian Stock Market Realities
       Subra's tips:
    • Put money in an index fund, take term insurance, get one credit card and one savings bank account
    • If you’re not from an accounting background, learn accounting
    • Set for yourself a target like you should read 30 pages a day, which does not look very difficult. Then read, and read everything.

Interview with Basant Maheshwari(

  1. Interview with Basant Maheshwari – Part 1
  2. Interview with Basant Maheshwari – Part 2
  3. Interview with Basant Maheshwari – Part 3
  4. Interview with Basant Maheshwari – Part 4
  5. Interview(as PDF)

Interview with Sanjay Bakshi on Value Investing:
Interview with Chetan Parikh on Value Investing:
  1. Value Investing, the Chetan Parikh Way – Part 1
  2. Value Investing, the Chetan Parikh Way – Part 2
  3. Value Investing, the Chetan Parikh Way – Part 3

Vishal Khandelwals views on investing (Interview by StableInvestor):
        Vishal's books to read recommendation:
    1. The Richest Man in Babylon by George Samuel Clason
    2. One Up on Wall Street by Peter Lynch
    3. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Analyze your financial journey ...

Plan vs Reality:

Why your income level remains STAGNANT -

Empowering Dimensions that can help you to grow your income -

Creating 2nd income source along with his regular job -

Ideas to create Passive Income or alternative Source of Income -

Quotes From Warren Buffet ..


1. Give your mind some clarity.
“I insist on a lot of time being spent, almost every day, to just sit and think. That is very uncommon in American business. I read and think. So I do more reading and thinking, and make less impulse decisions than most people in business. I do it because I like this kind of life.” 

2. Never forget business basics.
"After all, you only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out."

3. Know what you're getting into, before you get into it.
"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently."

4. Value what's most important.
"Too often, a vast collection of possessions ends up possessing its owner. The asset I most value, aside from health, is interesting, diverse, and long-standing friends."

5. Always know who you're dealing with. Be bold. Be confident.
“I always knew I was going to be rich. I don't think I ever doubted it for a minute. ” 

6. Hit the brakes when you need to. 
“The most important thing to do if you find yourself in a hole is to stop digging.” 

Sara Blakely's tips to start business from scratch

No. 1: Don’t worry about doing things the ‘right way.’

No. 2: Don’t get discouraged.

No. 3: Show up in person.

No. 4: Be the person that cares the most.

No. 5: Fake it till you make it.

No. 6: Keep a sense of humor.

Start Your Business With Little to No Capital - essential qualities


If your idea and plan of execution aren’t well thought out from the beginning, no amount of money can turn it into a winner. Have a great idea but very little money? Don’t let that stop you! Yes, there will be ridiculously long days with little to no sleep. Yes, you are going to be stressed. But those that want it bad enough will make it. Hard work is an absolute necessity, but when you are starting a business with little to no capital then you must be prepared to dedicate everything you have into making the business a success. This might mean cold calling, handling customer support, dealing with billing and accounting, and every other working part of your business. You will wear many hats and it will require the majority of your time and energy if you are to make it.
Here are eight tips that can help you get your idea off the ground with limited funds:
1. Build your business around what you know. 
2. Tell everyone you know what you are doing. 
3. Avoid unnecessary expenses. 
4. Don’t get buried in credit card debt.
5. Make sure your receivables policy won’t sink you. 
6. Build up sweat equity. 
7. Take advantage of free advertising and marketing. 
8. Get ready to hustle.

Catapult You Towards Achievement And Success - visualize future


Each time you visualize, picture the ultimate goal firstPicture exactly What you are going to be, what you are doing, how you look, who is around you, where you are, and how you feel. Get as specific and detailed as possible. Allow yourself to feel the feelings of success as you visualize it.

Step 1: Create a specific goal or outcome

Step 2: Define the actions for achievement

Step 3: Carve out the time

Step 4: Set the mood

Step 5: Begin with the end

Step 6: Visualize the actions

Step 7: Support your mental efforts

Step 8: Set an intention

How Successful People Make The Most Of Their Weekends

  1. The first step to controlling your weekends is making conscious choices.
  2. Make sure to unplug completely for at least a few hours.
  3. Make appointments for yourself, even if it's only to read a book.
  4. Keep chores, errands, and busy work to a minimum on your days off.
  5. Planning actually makes weekends happier, and unlocks a key mechanism of joy.
  6. Plan three to five anchor events each weekend, but don't plan out every hour.
  7. Make a list of the things you dream about doing, and you'll find the ones you can do every day.
  8. As you make your plans, don't discount something you haven't done in years.
  9. Weekend mornings can be the best time to do things for yourself.
  10. Establish small habits to create new traditions for your family.
  11. Set aside specific hours for down time, and turn off your phone.
  12. Be sure to make plans for Sunday night so you don't sit around stressing about your job.

21 Ways To Achieve Wealth And Success


1. Setting good daily habits.

2. Regularly creating goals.
3. Engaging in self-improvement daily.
4. Regularly taking care of personal health.
5. Often making time for relationship building.
6. Doing things in moderation.
7. Getting things done.
8. Keeping a positive outlook.
9. Regularly saving money. 
10. Rejecting self-limiting thoughts. 
11. Living within means.
12. Reading daily. 
13. Limiting TV watching. 
14. Doing more than what's required.
15. Talking less and listening more. 
16. Not giving up.
17. Spending time with like-minded ones. 
18. Finding a mentor.
19. Knowing your why.
20. Not giving fear the upper hand. 
21. Upgrading skills. 

Top Management Schools(MBA) in India

1. Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad

2. Indian Institute of Management,Calcutta

3. Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore

4. Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow

5. Xavier Labour Relations Institute


Top Full time MBA/PGDM institutes in India -

India's best B-schools -

Top Private B-Schools in India -

Best International B-Schools -

Indian School Education System

Schools in India offer both Indian and International syllabi some of which are:

    1. CBSE - Central Board of Secondary Education.
    2. ICSE - Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
    3. State Board - Approximately 30 State Boards.
    4. International - Cambridge University Programs.
    5. IBO Programs and a few others such as - Ontario from Canada, EDEXCEL- From UK.


    1. Started by the NCERT (National Council of Educational Research and Training) with the aim to operate a chain of central schools (Kendriya Vidyalaya) that could cater to government employees who are in transferable jobs that involve mid year movements.

    2. A number of private schools have started to offer CBSE since a number of private sector employees are also moving place to place
    3. The CBSE Syllabus is very structured, highly predictable and, highly controlled
    4. All national entrance examinations are conducted as per this syllabus.
    5. A number of changes have been incorporated lately, the prominent decision being to make board examination at the end of Grade -10 optional
    6.Board exams conducted:
         1. Grade-10 (Optional )
         2. Grade-12 (Mandatory)


    1. An offshoot of the Cambridge IGCSE that existed during the British regime was taken over by the Anglo Indian Board and is now governed by the  ‘Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations’.

    2. Has taken in a lot of structures from the NCERT
    3. At Grade-10 as of now is the toughest board examination
    4. Almost similar to CBSE in terms of controls, difference being this is quasi Government.
    Board Exams conducted:
        1. ICSE – Grade-10
        2. ISC- Grade-12

Central Board of Secondary Education(CBSE) books and support material -

CBSE quarterly journal -

CBSE newsletters -


CBSE papers -
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) text books -

Indian government publications -

Indian publications -

Yojana journal (english) -

Yojana journal (telugu) -