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Know Yourself !

The Japanese have a belief in three great powers:

1. The Sword (weapons)

2. The Jewel (money)

3. The Mirror (self-awareness)

The most valuable of the three is the mirror, or knowing yourself. Without this knowledge of self you will have no direction in life and in your business.

To-Do List

1. Stop what you’re doing. Take a step back to assess your situation. Stop doing what is not working and look for a new option.

2. Look for new ideas.

3. Take action. Find someone who has done what you want to do. Take them to lunch. Ask for tips.

4. Take classes and buy tapes.

5. Make lots of offers. Finding a good business deal is a lot like dating. You must go to the market and talk to a lot of people, make offers, counteroffers, negotiate, accept and reject. Many single people sit at home waiting for the phone to ring instead of going out and hitting the dating scene.

6. Take a walk through your neighborhood and look for bargain real estate deals.

7. Buy the pie and cut it into pieces. People buy only what they can afford so they think small. Think big. This goes for land and other investments.

8. Learn from history. Colonel Sanders lost everything in his 60’s and started from scratch with a fried chicken recipe. Bill Gates became rich before he was 30.